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N2 Lesson 9: 25/37




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        は別として – Grammar Discussion

        Most Recent Replies (2 in total)

        • Hadros232232


          What is the difference between はともかく and はべつとして?

        • Fuga


          Hey @Hadros232232 !

          はともかくandは別として are basically the same expressions, but は別として has the nuance that the phrase or the word that comes before ‘is not a concern’ to the phrase that comes after it.

          For example:

          Setting aside whether the results of the experiment are good or bad, I want to see them.
          This sentence has the nuance of ‘Lets not think about whether the results of the experiment are good or bad, I want to see them’

          Setting aside whether the results of the experiment are good or bad, I want to see them.
          This has a similar nuance to the sentence above, but has a stronger nuance that the results of the experiment is not important to them at the moment. ‘Whether the results of the experiment is good or bad does not matter right now, I just want to see the results.’

          We hope that this answers your question!<...

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