Grammar Info

N3 Lesson 9: 1/23

(かなら)ずしもNot always, Not entirely, Not necessarily


(かなら)ずしも + Phrase + わけではない(1)
(かなら)ずしも + Phrase + とは(かぎ)らない
(かなら)ずしも + Phrase + とは()ない

(1) わけじゃない


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About 必ずしも

Although it is often considered a stand-alone adverb, (かなら)ずしも is a combination of the adverb (かなら)ず 'invariably', or 'certainly', and the adverbial particles し and も. し and も are often combined in order to strengthen the meaning of the word before it. Due to this, (かならず)ずしも may be translated as something similar to 'absolutely certainly'.

However, (かならず)ずしも is an expression that is only used in negative sentences, so is commonly translated as 'not always (A)', 'not entirely (A)', or 'not necessarily (A)'. Despite this, the literal meaning is close to 'not absolutely certainly (A)'. (かならず)ずしも is often used at the beginning of a phrase, before expressing something that is not 100% certain.




    Men are not necessarily good drivers.


      Failure is not necessarily bad.


      You will not necessarily become more proficient.


      Memories are not always beautiful.


      Forecasts are not always right.

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        必ずしも – Grammar Discussion

        Most Recent Replies (4 in total)

        • mrnoone


          Although とは限らない already means “not necessarily/not always” by itself, it is very often used together with the 必ずしも for even more emphasis.

        • matt_in_mito


          @mrnoone thanks! Got it!

        • rever4217


          There’s a mistake in the second example sentence. Double も’s.

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