Grammar Info

N1 Lesson 9: 13/21

ならいざ()らずDon’t know about it, Maybe it would or might be possible for


Most common pattern:
Noun + なら(1) + いざ()

Less common patterns:
Verb + ()+ なら(1) + いざ()
[い]Adjective + ()+ なら(1) + いざ()
Noun + であれ(2) + いざ()
Noun + + いざ()

(1) ならば(2) だったら


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About ならいざ知らず

ならいざ()らず is a grammar expression which combines the hypothetical form of the auxiliary verb だ, なら, the adverb いざ ‘now’, or ‘well then’, and the classically-negated form of the う-Verb ()る, ()らず ‘to not know’. It is often translated as ‘I don’t know about (A), but (B)’, or ‘maybe (A), but (B). This phrase is formal, and usually used to emphasize that, regardless of (A), (B) fits a specific description.

ならいざ()らず will follow verbs in their standard forms. Additionally, it may follow either な-Adjectives or nouns that have had their terminal だ replaced with なら.

Just like the literal translation of ‘if it’s (A), well then I don’t know’, this structure emphasizes that (A) may or may not be the case, but (B) is definite. However, there is no direct use of ‘but’ in Japanese. This shows that the ‘but’ comes from the simple contrast of (A) being unknown while (B) is known.

ならいざ()らず may also be seen following other structures such as い-Adjectives when they have been nominalized with の.

This の pattern is also used with verbs, but it is less common than simply attaching ならいざしらず to one of the standard verb forms.

Fun Fact

In many cases, (A) is an extreme example used to show that (B) is the opposite of that, and is therefore either surprising or irritating.

  • 大昔(おおむかし)ならいざ()らず現代(げんだい)では詐欺(さぎ)についてよくテレビやインターネットで話題(わだい)になっているから、詐欺(さぎ)手口(てぐち)年々(ねんねん)進化(しんか)していってる。
    I don’t know about the past, but nowadays, scams are often talked about on TV and the internet today, so scam tactics are evolving year by year.
  • (かみ)ならいざ()らず(おれ)みたいなやつにはああいうことをする(やつ)たちを(ゆる)すことなどできない。
    I don't know about the gods, but it is very hard for a person like me to forgive people that do things like that.


Occasionally は will be used instead of なら. However, the meaning of the overall phrase will remain the same.

  • 60年(ろくじゅうねん)(まえ)はいざ()らず(いま)では喫煙(きつえん)する(ひと)()ってきている。
    I don’t know about 60 years ago, but nowadays, there are less people that smoke.




    I don't know about working adults, but for children, 10 000 yen is an unimaginable amount of money.


    I don't know about 100 years ago, but in modern times, since access to information is widespread in this country, everybody should know something like that.


    Recently, I often hear that 'exercising is unhealthy, so I don't do it'. I don't know about professional athletes, but for ordinary people exercising is beneficial.


    'When I was a child, I used to catch crayfish here.'
    'I don't know about how it was in the past, but nowadays the river is polluted, so it's impossible.'


    'It might be possible to wear the costume by myself for fun, but when it comes to going out in public dressed in cosplay, then it's nigh on impossible!

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