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N5 Lesson 6: 1/13






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About 誰

(だれ) is a substitute noun that is used in Japanese to describe unknown people. Due to Japanese particles behaving in very specific ways, (だれ) will be translated differently depending on the particle that follows it.

(だれ)(だれ)(だれ)(だれ) (who), (だれ) (whose), (だれ) (somebody), (だれ) (any/everybody).


Depending on the style of polite speech, there are several different words that will be used to indicate an unknown person. どなた is used in honorific language, while どちらさま is used in polite speech.




    Who is it?


    Who is it?


      Who is there?


      Who will do it?


      Whose computer is this?

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        誰 – Grammar Discussion

        Most Recent Replies (6 in total)

        • junetheway


          Hello, everyone!
          I have a simple question.


          This phrase is in the examples, but I think 誰と is more natural than 誰で.
          What do you think?
          Do people use 誰で frequently?

        • Fuga


          Hey @junetheway !

          Both 誰で and 誰と would work here! However, changing で to と would change the nuance of the sentence completely.

          This sentence uses this で, which is used to highlight something/someone that is required to perform an action. This means that this で gives this sentence the nuance of ‘Who are you choosing’ instead of ‘going together’. A sentence like this may be heard when playing a video game that requires each players to pick a character.

          Hope this clears it up!

        • junetheway


          Oh, I see!!
          The video game example really made me understand the difference!!
          Thank you so much for the explanation!!

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